Friday 15 March 2013

Positive People

I have been in the bridging market a while now and one thing which strikes me is that people in this market are a very positive, dynamic group of people. 

Since the recession, we constantly hear about how private enterprise needs to lift Britain and get the housing market moving again. The people in this market have recognized to help people get the money they need for financing property that is being overlooked by the majority of so-called 'mainstream' lenders. 

What Bridgers understand is that there is money out there to lend and people willing to do it but to do so requires a personal approach with skilled underwriting rather than the pre-credit crunch method of dishing out cash en masse through automated underwriting systems. By spending a little extra time looking at each case on its merits and ultimately helping property developers, landlords, and residential investors secure the funding they need, we really can get the property market moving again. 

It's an inspiration to us at +Intelligent Bridging 

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